My current collaboration with an elementary school principal and his educator’s vision is exactly that! Every student, every day, writing in every content area. Their belief, like many others in education is that a learner’s understanding (at any age) is deepened when they respond, react, and build on new knowledge through writing. The article, “Until I Write It Down”, by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo and Stephen Chiger, was the perfect catalyst to ignite the connection between writing and thinking for these educators. Bambrick-Santoyo and Chiger share that, “Until we see what students can articulate in writing, we don’t know what they comprehend, on some level, neither do they. To strengthen our students as readers, the place to start is with their writing.” They also share that writing is the great revealer because it demands clarity.
Working together, educators drew connections between the ideas in this article and their own current instructional practices, considered ideas they wanted to challenge, identified key concepts they wanted to hold onto and committed to changes in perspectives, attitudes, and ideas they want to implement into their future instructional practice. Key identified concepts included:
Future instructional moves based on our collaboration included:
These educators are intentionally designing lessons with a laser like focus on every student, every day, writing in every content area. I can not wait for our next collaboration to celebrate their progress!
Authored by: Carolyn Tinsley-Tremmel, Associate.
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