Our Partners
Why Partners?
PLC Associates, Inc. believes in delivering targeted supports that impact and produce measurable results. Our PLC proprietary offerings “anchor” this work as we build and enhance high performance systems. We effectively integrate partners with specialty expertise into our supports. In this way, our work is seamless. Our clients receive the benefit from these needed, explicit supports. Our organization respects, values and embraces the role of trusted advisor.
We are proud to collaborate with New Jersey School Administrators Association (NJASA) to deliver supports in the areas of strategic planning, dynamic leadership, school culture and instructional coaching. NJASA members are able to benefit through their membership and receive preferred courtesy rates.

SimpliCollege assists in developing Multi Tiered Support Systems (MTSS) at the middle and high school levels so that students benefit from an integrated approach involving support staff, instructional staff and leadership. As well, the organization offers easy-to-follow protocols in positioning students for career and college – a plus!

MEA Consultants
MEA provides supports for school turnaround and transformation for urban schools where subgroup performance must be enhanced. PLC and MEA work together to make certain we are set for success for all students as we create systems that respect diversity, opportunity and inclusion.

Teacher Coach
TeacherCoach offers supports in the psychological, social, emotional and developmental areas. This integration into the work of PLC assists our schools in developing heathy cultures as a foundation for effective teaching and learning, family partnerships and positive mindset.

Contact us today for more information!