PLC Survey Tools and Metrics

We’ve provided the following tools and resources to help our clients perform better and get them where they want to be. If you would like to get started with one of our metric tools and work with our consultants, reach out to us today

Culture & Leadership

The Data Triangle (DT) ©

These surveys provide a measure of district and school culture. Comprehensive surveys which query research-based best practices from the viewpoint of staff, students, and families. Staff complete the School Performance Scan; there are two versions of the Student Voice for readability levels, and families complete the Family Engagement Survey.

Learn more about our Data Triangle program!

The Data Triangle – Collecting Organizational Metrics
The Data Triangle Overview


The Leveraged Leadership Inventory (LLI) ©

Includes 25 leadership competencies so that school and district leaders are able to examine a composite view of their leadership competencies, as well as use an individual tool for growth.

Results Driven Teams (RDT) ©

Consider the number of teams that any district or school has within its structure. Just how effective are they? Whether we call them grade or content area teams, professional learning communities or communities of practice, there are key fundamentals that need to be in place. A main consideration is the degree to which metrics are operating so we can measure and prove impact.

Our team will assist you in designing these metrics which are powerful for creating baseline, planning strategies, and progress monitoring great results. As well, we will share a multitude of strategies, so teams are able to concentrate continually on solutions thinking and a results orientation.

Take advantage of this solid work as it quickly and efficiently positions teams for the collective efficacy that makes all the difference. 

The Support Staff Survey (SSS) ©

This highly effective tool is for those in support services which may include: transportation, food services, buildings and grounds, teacher aides, security, etc. These surveys are also measures of culture from the support staff viewpoint.

Curriculum & Instruction

The Professional Learning Reflection Tool (PLRT) ©

This high-impact tool canvasses five areas which include: student ownership of learning, student engagement, higher-order questioning, checking for understanding, and differentiated instruction and practice. As a result, PLC Associates is able to differentiate instruction and schools are able to look at their comprehensive instructional picture and individual skill sets.

About the PLC Professional Learning Reflection Tool
Review a PLRT Composite Sample Report.

Curriculum Instructional Assessment Alignment (CIAA) ©

Schools are now aligning their current curricula across the grade levels and content areas to standards. This is an important task as it determines the “what” of “what we are teaching” and “what students are learning”. Our stream-lined process will assist in creating this tight connection which also includes assessment practices. In turn, this will ensure improved student outcomes. High-quality instruction is critical, but it must be supported by a strong foundational curriculum. The Marzano research explicitly identifies the guaranteed, viable curriculum as a key driver for student success. 

PLC Curriculum Audit & Development Process ©

Our curriculum audit and development processes are facilitated by PLC Associates’ curriculum experts. Our style is focused, results-based and centered on providing in-depth recommendations and insights that will significantly support the school and its staff in achieving positive results.

The goal of any curriculum is to articulate what students should know, understand, and be able to do in each discipline.
Alignment of standards to curriculum ensures that students are taught the standards. Equitable access to an aligned curriculum supports student learning.

We will deliver a comprehensive report designed for action planning. What and how we teach matters.

Curriculum Audit and Development Protocol Overview
Curriculum Audit and Development Process

Our process will:

  • Comprehensively review and assess all aspects of curriculum, district wide, inclusive of the written, taught
    and assessed components.
  • Utilize key protocols which will allow us to effectively and efficiently collect data and information.
  • Crosswalk data sets and engage staff/administration in discussion of current practices.
  • Provide a comprehensive report that clearly outlines gaps, areas of focus, recommendations for curriculum
  • Develop a timeline for multi-year curriculum development work.



The Community Engagement Survey (CES) ©

This is similar to the Data Triangle; it contains questions which would be important for community members at large to comment on.

Parent Needs Assessment (PNA) ©

This tool provides a number of questions which will assist the district with understanding the needs, challenges, and wishes of parents.

Social Emotional Learning & Diversity, Opportunity, Inclusion

The Social Emotional Developmental Health Survey (SEDH) ©

Canvasses the social emotional developmental and health needs of students. This is an excellent tool for planning for students’ social emotional needs to staff and families so the comparisons may be made.

The PLC SEDH Climate Survey Overview

The PLC Diversity Opportunity Inclusion Climate Survey (DOI) ©

This is a customized survey that may be given to staff, students and/or families. We will provide relevant, detailed questions in relation to ten critical categories. Districts and schools may select from these questions, customize verbiage and as well, develop their own questions.

The PLC SEL DEI Climate Survey Overview


The PLC Organizational Audit ©

Includes 25 areas that are fundamental to organizational high performance. This allows leadership to examine those elements that are in place as opposed to areas in need of improvement. It creates a great basis for strategic planning.

Building Coherence: Aligning District Plans (ADP) ©

This is a powerful high-impact audit of all district and school plans. With your leadership team, we will utilize ten success criterion for making sure all plans are aligned and connected. This includes making certain that plans are set for impact, have clear metrics, align with best-practices, and are predictably built for real results. 

The Professional Learning Community Survey (PLCS) ©

Canvasses the elements for successfully setting up a PLC according to the model of DuFour.

The #EdTech Systems Assessment (ETI) ©

The #EdTech Systems Assessment has been built to highlight the critical questions from each of the 6 Pillars for an Effective Instructional Technology Framework:

—Communication, Compliance, Instructional Design, Integration, Strategic Planning, and Technology Management.

This targeted, twenty-question assessment will provide your district with essential information to maximize the use of instructional technology. These Pillars are stronger together and lay the foundation for increased capacity for instructional technology across your organization. This provides a baseline as well as a tool to progress monitor.

Download a paper copy of the assessment.
Connect with us about how best to use this assessment in your district.

The #EdTech Integration Assessment (ETS) ©

A strong plan for instructional technology is key to building capacity and success across a school district. Regardless of the current state, school districts have an opportunity to establish new norms for educational technology through effective planning, professional development, and execution.

This targeted, twenty-question assessment will provide your school with essential information around successfully integrating technology with instructional best practices. This provides a baseline as well as a tool to progress monitor.

Download a paper copy of the assessment.
Connect with us about how best to use this assessment in your district.

Contact us  today for more information!