K12 schools and districts are struggling to maximize the impact of #EdTech during the Covid 19 Pandemic. Mike and Emory have a plan for that!

Compliance and integration challenges stemmed from hundreds of software titles being made available for free last spring. Thousands of 1-1 device initiatives to support students were fast-tracked. Pressing needs forced edLeaders to react and systems for instructional technology suffered.

From all of this, districts NOW have 3 items on their to-do list:
1— Level-Up strong K12 instruction.
2— Implement effective EdTech integration.
3— Put in action a plan for catching students up.

So, where do we go from here? Mike and Emory have leaned into their six pillars of effective instructional technology to prioritize their work with schools and districts.

After watching our webinar, check out our #EdTech Systems Assessment authored by Mike and Emory. This targeted, twenty-question assessment will provide your district with essential information to maximize the use of instructional technology and identify entry points for improvement.

Webinar Hosts: Mike Newman and Emory Roethel

Connect with us if you would like to learn more and have us work directly with you!

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PLC Associates, Inc.

Website: www.plcassociates.com
Phone: 585-264-0886
Email: plc200@plcassociates.com

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We work with you to close gaps, replicate best practices, and build high-impact, sustainable systems.

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